我跟老公碰巧都買了手碟給彼此 (從不同的品牌),而我買這個給他,我們非常喜歡這個手碟。比起另一個,NovaPans手碟明顯造工品質較好,雖然兩個聲音差不多,合奏起來也很OK。我老公會彈吉他,而我是"試著"彈烏克麗麗拉~
Without knowing, my husband and I actually got each other handpans from different companies. I bought him this one and we were both really happy with it. This one appears better made but the sound when playing either one is great. When we play together there is never any discord between the two. These are our first handpans. Our musical background is he plays the guitar and I “try” to play the ukulele. We love these and what we didn’t expect was how inadvertantly meditative and calming it is to play them. It’s also a musical instrument that our 4 and 9 year old sons can play with that doesn’t make us cringe.

這是我的第一個手碟,我花了非常久的時間搜尋我夢想中的手碟。我打算用這顆手碟進行我帶領的冥想課程 (線上)。我非常滿意NovaPans提供的各種手碟音樂、教學影片,客服也很有效率,手碟大約兩周就到貨,而且被包裝得非常完整且強固。還附送一個背包,所以我不用在另外花錢買。 我真的非常喜歡這個聲音,也很喜歡這個聲調。
My first handpan and I've spent a long time researching just what I wanted. I plan to use this for meditation classes I teach and right now online; so I needed tones and pitches that could be picked up. I liked the various videos I could watch on these and got good help from staff. It arrived in under two weeks and was well wrapped and protected. It comes with a hard case as well so I didn't have to purchase that separately. I love the sound on this one and for my first one I like the tones as they are central music notes and I tend to like the deeper tones.


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